In Bhagwat Gita, God assures his disciple Arjuna in many ways & asks him to take refuge in Him & says that He shall emancipate him of sin in all ways, shall rescue him in his life always. Through Arjuna, God is giving a message to all people that they should be devoted to Him, as through devotion, they shall reach Him easily. Below are verses of Bhagwat Gita where God assures Arjuna through these verses. Firstly, it is written, as it is written in original Sanskrit in Bhagwat Gita & below that is English translation of that verse.
'Api chet su-duracharo
bhajate maam ananya-bhak
sadhurev sa mantavya
samyag vyvasito hi sah' ( Gita: Chapter IX verse 30 )
'Even if the vilest sinner worships Me with full devotion, he should be considered a noble soul or saint; as he has taken the right step by worshipping me.'
Through above verse 30, God is telling Arjuna that even if the most sinful of person worships Him with full devotion, then He considers him to be a saint only as he has rightly resolved in his life. So many times we too think that we have done many sins in life & how God shall accept us, but here God makes very clear that once a person become devoted to Him, He does not considers that person a sinner, rather God considers that person to be a Saint as he has taken the right decision in his life to become devoted to God. Let's all be devotees of God.
'Api chet su-duracharo
bhajate maam ananya-bhak
sadhurev sa mantavya
samyag vyvasito hi sah' ( Gita: Chapter IX verse 30 )
'Even if the vilest sinner worships Me with full devotion, he should be considered a noble soul or saint; as he has taken the right step by worshipping me.'
Through above verse 30, God is telling Arjuna that even if the most sinful of person worships Him with full devotion, then He considers him to be a saint only as he has rightly resolved in his life. So many times we too think that we have done many sins in life & how God shall accept us, but here God makes very clear that once a person become devoted to Him, He does not considers that person a sinner, rather God considers that person to be a Saint as he has taken the right decision in his life to become devoted to God. Let's all be devotees of God.
'kshipram bhavti dharmatma
shasvac-chantim nigachati
kauntey pratijanihi
na me bhaktah pranashyati' ( Gita: Chapter IX verse 31 )
'He speedily becomes virtuous and secures lasting peace. O son of Kunti, know it for certain that My devotee never falls.'
Through above verse 31, God is telling Arjuna that such a sinful person after becoming His devotee becomes a person of good virtues and always remain in peace & such a peace is not temporary but is ever lasting. God is assuring the son of Kunti ( another name of Arjuna, his disciple) that his devotee never falls again in life as He always protect him. So let's all worship the God always so that He can protect us always.
'man-mna bhav mad-bhakto
madhyaji maam namaskuru
maam-evaishyasi yuktvaivam
atmanam mat-parayanah' ( Gita: Chapter IX verse 34 )
'Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to me, worship Me & offer obeisance's to Me. In this way, linking to Me, you shall surely come to Me.'
Through above verse 34, God is asking Arjuna to fix his mind on God as after worshipping Him & paying obeisance's to God, he shall automatically come to Him. We should also follow the same path & let's become devoted to him by praying Him daily. God is very clear that once a person comes in God's refuge, then all his problems are solved & God becomes his protector in this life & life beyond.
Picture Credit : sss.vn.ua
shasvac-chantim nigachati
kauntey pratijanihi
na me bhaktah pranashyati' ( Gita: Chapter IX verse 31 )
'He speedily becomes virtuous and secures lasting peace. O son of Kunti, know it for certain that My devotee never falls.'
Through above verse 31, God is telling Arjuna that such a sinful person after becoming His devotee becomes a person of good virtues and always remain in peace & such a peace is not temporary but is ever lasting. God is assuring the son of Kunti ( another name of Arjuna, his disciple) that his devotee never falls again in life as He always protect him. So let's all worship the God always so that He can protect us always.
'man-mna bhav mad-bhakto
madhyaji maam namaskuru
maam-evaishyasi yuktvaivam
atmanam mat-parayanah' ( Gita: Chapter IX verse 34 )
'Fix your mind on Me, be devoted to me, worship Me & offer obeisance's to Me. In this way, linking to Me, you shall surely come to Me.'
Through above verse 34, God is asking Arjuna to fix his mind on God as after worshipping Him & paying obeisance's to God, he shall automatically come to Him. We should also follow the same path & let's become devoted to him by praying Him daily. God is very clear that once a person comes in God's refuge, then all his problems are solved & God becomes his protector in this life & life beyond.
Picture Credit : sss.vn.ua
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